Class | Description |
BundleContainerSpecification |
Represents a container that itself contains other containers and some classes
directly, too.
BundledContainerSpecification |
A container specification that represents a single JAR file or class folder
that is bundled inside a WAR, EAR or OSGI bundle file.
ContainerFilteringIterator<TContainer extends GenericClassContainer> |
An instance of this class allows to iterate over a given array of GenericClassContainer
objects but returning only those that are of a specified subclass.
ContainerNames |
This class provides all variants of names a container may have.
ContainerSpecification |
Each instance defines one element that specifies one container object.
ExtractedContainerSpecification |
Represents a container that has been extracted to temporary directory in order
to get access to all its classes and manifest information.
FilteredContainers<TContainer extends GenericClassContainer> |
An iterable object for GenericClassContainer of a specific type.
OdemXmlContainerSpecification |
Holds the declaring data of a container and its content.
Enum | Description |
ContainerType |
Specifies an enum value for each supported container type.
SpringBootManifestEntry |
Specifies manifest entry names of typical spring-boot jar files.